Today was Aspen’s first day of school! Which really means it was her first day of “Parent’s Day Out” which really means daycare (I think). Clearly I don’t know how these things work.
When the twins were born life got a whole lot crazier. Aspen always loves going to the park, going to her gymnastics class, and playing with other kids but I wasn’t able to do these things with her as often because of the demanding needs of two infants. By the time I realized that preschool might be a good idea we were already well into fall and way past the beginning of the school year.

Nevertheless I did some research and chose three local preschools to tour with Jimmy. We made our decision based on the intimate feeling of the school and loved that it’s focused on playtime. (We figure she will have plenty of years to have a more structured academic environment.)
I talked to her about going to preschool for days leading up to her first day – which ended up not happening TWICE due to her being sick with the flu the first time and a cold the second time. But finally today was the day. When I got her out of her crib this morning I asked her “Do you know what today is?” She slowly and thoughtfully replied, “Pee-school.” …and my heart melted.

She was so excited and borderline anxious all morning. It was kind of a crazy morning with me waking up with the twins, giving Hayes his breathing treatment and Hart his antibiotics, Jimmy making breakfast for Landon and Sutton and getting them off to school (two separate schools with two separate start times), getting Aspen dressed and fed, packing her lunch, and out the door! But this will soon be our new normal and it really wasn’t that bad, I had everything planned out perfectly and other than Hart puking over my entire outfit and having to change, it all went smoothly.

Aspen was so cute in the car ride and kept talking about Nemo and Mr. Ray (in the movie, Finding Nemo, Nemo goes to school with his teacher named Mr. Ray). When we got there she walked inside with Jimmy and me toting her lunchbox, milk, and backpack (complete with a change of clothes and diapers).
She remembered her school from when we toured it and was so excited to see all the kids. After getting a few pics snapped Jimmy and I disappeared as she was distracted. No tears from mom, dad, or Aspen – hooray!

When I picked her up she was excited to see me and gave me a huge hug then ran back toward her classroom to “help” a little girl with her backpack and pick up her brand new Christmas tree artwork she created. They said she fit right in. I knew it was time for her to start! We may have started school in December but it worked out perfectly for Aspen.
How’d we adjust her schedule?
Aspen will go to “school” two days a week from 9-1. She eats lunch there and then comes home and takes a nap. She typically napped from 12-2 so I adjusted her nap to later in the day over the past week. Today she slept from 1:15-3:00.

I love your journey. You are a great Momma! My kids are all grown but I remember.
She STILL wears diapers ?? Oh my !
You STILL think it’s acceptable to hit post after typing a comment like that? Oh my!
Pretty sure she just turned 2…so shove your oh my up your a$$
Still?? I believe she just turned 2. My son is almost 2.5 and he definitely isn’t ready to potty train. Keep your judgement to yourself regarding other children’s milestones.
She just turned two! How dear she not come out potty trained. Oh my! MYOB!
Ur an idiot
Is u blind?? She’s two Debbie Downer
Ummmm…she’s not even two, and why do you care if she wears diapers anyway?!
Kristin McCarthy
She literally turned two, 2weeks ago, what universe do you live in that this child should be potty trained.
Oh my. Uh yeah. Typical. Kathy. Most kids aren’t potty trained until close to 3.
It’s so odd to comment on potty training & diapers. She’s not 5 for crying out loud. Geez
I was relieved to see she’s only going two days all
So sad that we as parents can’t just support each other and instead judge and put each other down. My daughter is nearly 2.5 and no where near potty trained. Glad Aspen had a good first day as my child still gets upset going to Nursery after going for over a year! <3
Aspen is much too young for “school” . She is a baby. What’s the matter with you?
Maybe so she can socialize? Why do you care?!
Melissa, Says who? Yiur degree in early childhood development?
Play focused program. Perfect!!!!!!
Look lady it is pre school not college. Kids potty train when they are ready.
I love seeing all the baby pics and seeing Aspen grow up since I only have boys. I love her clothing and hair bows. So cute. Mak
Thank you so much for sharing. My little is 2 as of 11/21 and I work full time from home and care for her and feel pre-school is looking like a good idea for her. This is so incredibly helpful to read!
Meghan, please listen to Dr. Laura – Serious Radio
Loveeee this because I can relate. Our little girl started full day preschool when she was 1 and now she’s three but still only goes twice a week. I think it’s awesome you are letting her experience. She will potty train when she’s ready. Don’t listen to these other psycho women.
What a wonderful experience for Aspen! I love the fact that she went back to help her friend. I am so glad you chose a school that puts a focus on PLAY!
I am getting a kick out of the parallels in my own life! We just had twins and have a two year old. I reference your IG as a reminder that I will survive. Oh and Amen for preschool best decision I made before the babes too!
Thanks for Sharing! I’m due in March with baby #2 and was worried about not being able to do many activities with my little one anymore especially in the beginning, so we decided to enroll him in preschool. I’ve been so anxious about it.
Love reading your stories! Aspen’s first day of pre school was exciting!
Mother’s Day out is the best thing ever! Love reading your blog!