Safety: A 5 Year Overdue Essay

I haven’t talked about this publicly until today.

Five years ago today my home was burglarized.

I was out of town on a boat on Lake Coeur d’Alene in Idaho when I got a phone call from my housekeeper: “I think your house was broken into,” she said.

No way.  No way.  She’s too calm.  Oh wait, she’s actually not calm at all.

“Lupe, what makes you think that?”

“Landon’s (my stepson) bedroom is a mess and your closet has been ripped apart.”

Oh my god.

My hands shook as I got off the phone with her so she could call 911.  I called the police department in Newport Beach, CA to report the burglary and opened my app with security cameras in the house.

There they were: two of them, dressed in all black with black masks and gloves straight out of a horror movie.  I froze into a perpetual cringe as I watched one of them look straight into the camera before smashing it and disabling it.  A flood of tears erupted as I thrust the phone into the hands of my husband.  I couldn’t watch it again.

In that moment I felt utterly violated for the first time in my life.

The bad guys climbed through a second story window that was left cracked open to accept the cool ocean breeze.  They ruined the blinds and muddied the rug as they marched down to the motherboard of my A/V system to disable it.  (I didn’t even know where this was located.). Then they went straight for my closet and took all my fancy bags: Chanel, Celine, Louis Vuitton… And cleaned out my jewelry drawers full of irreplaceable heirloom jewelry from my grandparents among other high priced items.  They even stole my fancy perfume.

I scrolled back in time and saw that prior to the break-in the perpetrators’ car’s shadow cruised by the front of the house – checking to make sure no one was home – before pulling around to the back alley and breaking and entering.

I was 7 months pregnant with Aspen and Girly Girl was a new puppy.  I spent most of my time in my CA home without my husband who was working in St Louis.  “Thank God we weren’t there,” is all I kept thinking.  How could this have happened?  And I couldn’t do anything because I was a thousand miles away in Idaho, literally on a boat in the middle of a lake.

This was my first taste of how I had to learn to thrive under immense fear while simultaneously caring for my puppy and pregnancy and taking all the steps necessary to attempt to recover my stolen goods (never happened) and catch the bad guys (never happened).  Only my items were stolen and only I felt the enormity of the blank space within my heart wherein used to lie a semblance of safety.  Insurance money doesn’t take into account the emotional turmoil I endured, and that’s assuming I ever even had access to that money in the first place.

My first day back in my house I was alone, as I often was, and cried and cried in my closet with my big pregnant belly and puppy. I looked up my homeowner rights in the State of CA to see how I could protect myself within the confines of the law (much different than my gun-toting home State of Missouri), and I dried off my tears and drove to Home Depot and bought the scariest looking metal pipe I could find to put it under my side of the bed.  That pipe had a home there until the day I moved out, if someone wanted to fuck with me again I was ready.

It’s hard to believe it’s only been 5 years since this happened.  And what’s sadder is that the trauma I endured through the burglary would be but a distant blip on the radar considering the trauma I had yet to experience.

But it was also metaphorical for my life to come.

I lost so much materially and so much emotionally, but slowly I got piece by piece back.  There’s still that gaping hole of safety that will be filled someday –  that has taken the longest.  Physical safety, yes, but emotional safety, too; I lost it in the burglary and ultimately I would come to lose that in my partner as well.

It’s been awhile since I’ve blogged.  I was asking myself why I haven’t felt compelled to write in so long and I can only think of one thing: I feel more internally validated than ever before and my experiences are taking on a new air of sanctity and privacy.

Having lived in the public eye for many years now has enlightened me to the beauty of privacy and even secrecy.  To hold close the tragedy or the excitement of an experience is a new wonder to me. Before, I never had to understand this because no one outside my circle cared, then during the last few years I was willing and eager to share everything, and now I’m entering a new era of appreciation for private moments.

The police and my now ex-husband told me not to share the burglary on social media which exacerbated my loneliness at the time, so telling you all about this today is my ironic declaration of sharing what I want, when I want.  My experiences and emotions are mine alone and no one controls that.  There’s power in privacy and there’s power in saying “FU” to others trying to control what is only mine, but it happens on my terms.

There’s a lot of undertones in this blog as my heart is heavy today and I don’t want to directly articulate all of the exact reasons for this.  Ladies, find your voice.  You can do hard things on your own terms even when they try to control you.  “They” is up for you to decide.  We can be safe again, it is our right.

These pictures were all taken moments before discovering my house had been burglarized:

    1. She stated in the blog that they never found them, nor her belongings. How awful!! Although they are ultimately just “things,” having sentimental family jewelry or other items stolen from you like that is traumatic. Always holding you in the light, Meg.

  1. I love it when you share your life with us. My husband passed away we were married for 22 years and I truly believe in my heart he was my soulmate I got married when I was young I was 21 and at 25 we had a daughter and we divorced in 1983. I met the husband that just passed away in 1997 I have always been strong and independent and I learned how to live on my own at a young age I moved out of the house as soon as I graduated from high school and never look back! When you become accustomed to someone being there with you 24/7 with the exception of working hours you form a pattern and when that person is gone that pattern is gone and I had to dig deep because I’m not handling this well but I know in time I will regain my power. Divorce is hard but the death of a spouse is harder I think that you have shown true strength after you were publicly humiliated by your ex! Your children are thriving and your happiness radiates in your face I have to say I’m proud of you and hope that you will continue to share pieces of your life with us. ❤️

  2. You’re amazing. Such an inspiration to me whose dealing w a lot of the trauma you’ve also endured. Thanks mama.❤️

  3. Thank you for sharing your personal violation experience. How frightening. The audacity for someone to enter your private space and take such personal items and any item that isn’t theirs is infuriating. It was a blessing that no one was home. I am so sorry you had to experience this and live with this for so many years. I hope you continue to heal. And thanks for being a voice to let others know they can and should express themselves. Peace be with you.

  4. The strength you continue to show is a beacon for those that are not there yet. You taking your voice back, safety back, and finding inner peace will only continue to move you forward. I may not know you but I am proud of you, proud of who you were, who you had to be and who you are today. So many wonderful moments are yet to come.

  5. Oh the irony – as I grew up in Coeur d Alene, and often never locked my doors. But know how violated one feels after such an occurrence. The trauma may never go away – the lingering fear. You are so right, find your voice and use it! The best way to build strength.

  6. I find is very suspicious that only your things were taken. I’m sure the others in your house had things of value. It seems like it was meant to hurt you and you didn’t even see the money. Says a lot ❤️

  7. Thank you for sharing, Meghan. Not feeling safe is a horrible feeling. It’s so terribly sad that they took family heirlooms. Those Items are so sentimental, and there is no amount of money that can replace those treasures. 💚

  8. I’m sorry you went through this and also that you were not able to share the experience. For women to share what we want to share when we want to share it, or not to, should always some from our heart.
    To be silenced tells us that what we feel is not important. Or that our reaction to it is disproportionate to what we “should” feel. You’ve learned all this much younger than I did. God bless and keep growing.

  9. So sorry to read this…That’s how the robbers like it ..Silence… you had to experience the real enemy was within later on…Kudos to you for still standing and thriving. Those heirlooms are priceless..What a heartbreaker…Wishing you peace and joy💗

  10. I had the exact same thing happen. I had been getting an infusion for my low iron count while they were robbing my home. I got home to find my front door kicked open. I thought. … Oh, there must have been a storm. I went upstairs to find all my jewelry and fancy purses gone. I live alone being divorced. What a horrible violated feeling. I got the insurance money, but I had to move from that house. I never felt the same there.

  11. Beautifully written. We are all stronger than we know we can be, you’ve demonstrated that for many with so much grace. Keep it up! My life was turned upside down 8 years ago when my husband unexpectedly passed away at 50, I lost so much that day, but have learned so much about myself since, and feel so proud of all I’ve become.

  12. Sorry I got off track!! What I meant to say is you are doing great!! Even in the worst of times you always find a way to make the situation tolerable, I swear you have the Patience of a Saint! That Robbery must have terrified you and I would Bet you didn’t receive the emotional support you needed and deserved! I don’t see Jimmy being a very empathic person. Going forward I hope you find the Love and Companionship you Deserve and Never settle for less again. You are a Gorgeous, Educated, Strong Woman and Mother you Deserve Everything Wonderful this Life has to offer ❤️

  13. There’s so many things that we need to overcome for ourselves, and it feels tough at times when you’re alone- especially with little children. Security is everything, it’s almost like an illusion we just fall into, but anything could change in a moment. You’re strong and beautiful and your children are lucky to have you. You got this girl!

  14. Oh Meghan I am so very sorry. The feeling of helplessness and the feeling of being violated is one that will not fade for a long time.
    Our home was broken into and burglarized a little over 2 yrs ago and my whole life changed the moment my husband called me and told me.
    My thought was how did this happen, why did this happen, we live in a prominent section of town and I always thought we were secure.
    The scum that broke in our home are very lucky my husband did not come home and confront them as he has a carry and conceal license because they would not be in jail now.
    Even though they were caught and stood trial and were sentenced to a minimum of 27 yrs I am still scared of going home alone, staying alone and answering my door to anyone.
    Our home is now like Ft Knox and if an ant moves the cameras pick it up but it still doesnt make me feel 100% safe.
    God bless you and thank you for sharing your story. I have NEVER put what happened to us on social media because my husband and police said not too as well.

  15. Thank you for sharing this most vulnerable time of your life. Being violated like this and then being told to remain quiet about it, is a double-violation. I admire your strength, Meghan. I, myself had 3 small children when I went through my divorce. As I am writing this, I am about to board a plane from Arizona to head back east for my 1st grandchild’s, 1st birthday. It has been years since I have seen my ex, a wedding, but the hurt remains. It just lessens. I promise you, as long as every day seems when your kids are little and the shuffling back & forth between households and having to see your Ex and their SO, you will be me in the *blink of an eye* and wonder how the time flew by! Keep being unapologetically YOU, that is who your children & family & all who matters, loves. God Bless you and your family, have a happy & safe Labor Day Weekend!

  16. What a powerful and moving story of finding your strength through your fears. I wish you all the best. Remember you are a strong beautiful lady and one day soon you will find your reasons to dance again.

    P.S. Your puppy is absolutely adorable.

  17. Loss is strange, it can bring darkness while at the same time shedding light. Often times when you are violated by those on the outside, you inflate their significance and you focus on them so much that you downplay the violations that are taking place by those in your own home. The fact that you were immediately left alone upon your return, is probably only a fragment of the disrespect that you suffered. I pray that you heal with faint scars and that your voice only becomes louder after this release, that you will loudly and proudly own your story and proclaim your victory.

  18. My daughter and her family also had this experience almost 3 years ago in South OC. It began a long intense bout of anxiety with panic attacks which to this day can be triggered remembering that experience. She found her way to deal with it was to attack the experience like a bulldog, hounding the detectives for information and talking to her neighbors who actually witnessed the assholes backing up their truck in their driveway to steal their property. They thought they were workers. DNA was obtained which eventually was matched to a drug dealer in jail for something else.
    Insurance paid them for their stuff but no one can never reimburse her for her piece of mind. You’ve come so far since that day and are a delight to follow.

  19. Oh Meghan, as someone who understands the violation of a burglary, I feel this so heavily with and for you. One can not truly know just how HUGE a breach in both your physical and emotional safety is and what that type of violation actually feels like, without experiencing it. The stealing part is horrible but it pales in comparison to the violation that audacity of a stranger rummaging through your personal belongings at their leisure to take whatever they want, is something entirely different. You cannot know or prepare for the enormity this type of trauma can cause. I’m am deeply sorry for this experience and for the isolation you must have felt and may still feel at times. Praying for your continued healing ❤️‍🩹

  20. Meghan, I have been following you since you were were on RHOC. I had a similar relationship with an athlete who was a master manipulator. I grew up with parents that loved me but weren’t around much. So I took care of myself and my younger brother. But both of us were street smart. I was pretty scrappy if anyone said something about my brother the regretted it. And I was starving for love, I didn’t even realize that until very recently. Anyhow I am still alive and my heart is still beating, and I am happy to be where I am today. I have autoimmune issues that could take me out and they haven’t because I have been taking care of myself. Instead of every one else. Your children are beautiful Aspen will be your best friend for life, Hayes is going to be a lady killer. And Hart, he is going to be your heart always. You are processing the trauma from five years ago. In five years that you were dealing with fallout from your marriage. And trauma you suffered while you were with ?%$. But there will not be any new trauma. There won’t be any new stories that just don’t add up. There are no more life changing relationships with nannies or fans or any other women who should be off limits because ?%$ was married! I wish you the best of what life has to offer, you deserve all of it and more ❤

  21. Thank you for sharing this story Meghan. The undertone was exactly what I needed to hear today. You are incredibly strong!

  22. It is very brave of you to share your experience with all of us. I am so sorry for that terrible burglary and the trauma that followed it, but even more sorry for the way you were treated by your former husband. It takes a long time to heal. From what I “see” of your life right now, is that you deeply care for your beautiful children and that you deeply care for humanity. Isaiah 45:3 is my life scripture and I think it is for you too. It says, “I will give you the TREASURES of darkness and riches stored in SECRET places so that you will KNOW I am the Lord your God who calls you by name.” The treasures of dark places are real and you will continue to find them as the days go on. Your best days are still to come! With Love and Care, Bethany xx

  23. I was raised in a very nice neighborhood in California and we were burglarized. I’ll never forget coming home from school, I noticed the front door wasn’t completely shut but rather placed to look like it was. I pushed the door open with the tip of my finger, so as not to disturb any potential fingerprints) and the house was a mess! I yelled to my mom that we had been robbed and she ran to get the neighbor, who came with a knife, he checked the house and no one was there. I ran to my room and my tv and stereo were missing. They even took my remotes which had been sitting in my bedcovers. I felt so violated that not only did they touch our belongings but they touched my bed! Somehow they didn’t see my moms wedding ring which was laying in plain sight. She’s never taken it off again. It was eventually all okay, but now that I have children of my own, I always take extra precaution before leaving my house. I scan the neighborhood regularly as I come and go to make sure there are no “looky loos”. It’s a violation that maybe can never be healed. It’s personal and I feel for you. Having to keep that inside is another form of hurt which I can only imagine. I’m sorry for the way you’ve been treated, not because it’s my fault, but because as a woman who’s endured trauma, it pains to learn of other women and their trauma. I wish you the best as you move forward on your journey of healing!

  24. Megan, the rawness of this post really hit me. I think feeling unsafe with people who you believe love you and can replace you is a hard pill to swallow. Having had to swallow that myself but not in the cruel public eye like you’ve had to endure. Someone told me once that the best thing you can do is “have a good life.” Be the best version of you and let your sweet babies see you only talk highly of your betrayer even if your heart and the truth are different. They will see the others for who they really are! You just keeping loving them but just as importantly love yourself. God bless you on this journey.

  25. While Reading your post I had an epiphany. Three months ago I was diagnosed with lymphoma. Oddly enough, I have kept it largely to myself.I’m usually a very open person, I lived through a pretty horrific childhood and never had any trouble telling people about it. I couldn’t understand why I was finding it so hard to tell people that I was sick. But reading your post I realized that it is MINE to tell when and if I want to. I realized that our thoughts are not public property. That they too are valuable. As valuable as our expensive handbags and Jewlery. The older I get the less I want to share my “stuff” unless that person is worth the telling to. You have grown tremendously before a huge audience of people.. you have shared many of your trials and tribulations and because of this you have empowered countless many people. People like me who you will likely never meet but will always be grateful to you. Stay strong . Thank you.

  26. I’m sorry that happend. But in it you grow. And they will have to answer for it. It is material things they are not as important ss spiritual things. You are a strong woman teach your daughter to be strong. God bless you and your family ❤️❤️❤️

  27. So many lovely messages already, but I just wanted to say, very simply. Im so sorry. Sorry for all you went through. Sorry it robbed you not only of posessions and memories, but also so much more. <3

  28. So proud of you for blogging this difficult, violating time in your life!
    This stood out too me so strongly what you wrote,
    ” so telling you all about this today is my ironic declaration of sharing what I want, when I want. My experiences and emotions are mine alone and no one controls that.”
    So true! So powerful!
    I’m sorry you went thru this!
    Mary, from SoCal ❤

  29. I feel your grief/vemerabilty/fear/shock/resentment and give you so much kudos for speaking out Meghan. I recieved a similar call, but it was from my Niece. I hope 4 months after we had buried my boy’s Father (They were 8 and 10) who I adored but had become so abusive to me and my eldest we had to leave a year and a half earlier. I then fell head over heels for a man that then became a Meth Addict (an increible business man he was too.) Broken and unable to raise my son’s alone without any support (Their Father tied their inheritence up so tight in the end they never saw it really) I decided to leave one city and move to another where my parents now lived. I’m in New Zealand by the way. While their looking for a house to rent by backpack type nad bag was stolen from my Mother’s car when we popped into to look at a property. I saw this happen and even tred to chase the guy through a school yard. In this bag was my life! All my ID, passports, bankcards,references,phone,epipen,my car keys ,house keys.Everything. I had a a friend in town whose husband managed to get a key for my car. I told the police I had a fear for my home in Auckland but they thought it was just a local kid and not to worry.. i had no lists of contact numbers or details of my landlord. Everything in my bag was what was needed to help me rent a property. My parents gave me money and the next day I drobe 3 hrs back to Auckland. I had rang my Neice who i had left a key with ,as she was keeping an eye on my mail and watering my plants. It was mid summer here. An hour of of Auckland I got that sinking gut feeling in my stomach. I had my youngest Son with me and didn’t want to concern him but knew all was not well. When I drove up to my house my Niece ran to me saying “Zia I think something might be wrong..the house is not tidy as you leave it”. In just over 24hrs the theif and friends had driven to Auckland and completely raided my home. My home being a small 3 bedroom place. But they had stolen right down to my iron, toaster and ironing board. My most treasured items jewllery, my gorgeous Frette Italian Sheets…that I had just had laundered and pressed (knowing that may be the only luxury in life I might know in my new life) were gone..even our towels. They left my couch ,dining table and beds and a few odds and ends, had turned the power off and my fridge/freezer left open with direct summer heat on it…it was disgusting,. I leterally feel limp on the ground. I felt they had physically raped my/our lives. The neighbours that had 2 big dogs that barked at every vehiclethat went by…never made a sound. These animals had pilaged our home..the only security these boys knew and stolen precious giifts from their Pappa..ireplacable. The insurance company took 5 long months to pay out..the main reason was I apparently didn;t get back to my property quick enough!!!!!.We had to fight them in court. Maybe they thought I should have been home when this happened.I had to clean up alone and leave the property and a lovely friend let us live in their extended family beach house…beach front in my new town. It really was beach fancy beach home…but cosy and my boys got to swim every day.I had no money to get settled till the insurance paid outl In the end they only paid out $20k to replace our life. No jewellery was replaced ,no Frette Sheets. I went to the local Police to find a saf area to rent in..or what they concluded was a good area, and we found a little home.I got a job, stated studying at our local Polytech and got the boy’s into good local schools. I thought life was going well. 5 months there I heard someone rattling my backdoor security door. I freaked out!!. I rang a firned that was managing a local restaurant. He told me to turn on all the lights and came over to check on us. All was well. I got my youngest out of his bed and put him in with me, as his room was the furtherest away from me, and went to sleep. In the morning we woke and I puuled back my curtains. Outside my home were police cars everywhere and our home taped off with police yellow tape. A dear old man had been murdered in his bed, with his wife beside him, by a random crazy guy.No motive..he was said “to be looking for hsi cat” that he never owned, and used one of their own kitchen knives to murder this man. I was so distaught and yet had to have it together for my kids. This was the “safe” area of our beautiful new city. What was safe anymore. I couldn’t afford our own home or security systems. I ended up having a breakdown then my body let me down… I was 32 years old and super fit. I was diagnosed with chronic fibromyalgia and CRPS affecting my right arm,hamd and neck. My background was hospitality.I couldn;t write , hold a plate and now at 55 can just manage to type ok but can only uses a keyboard mouse, I lost my job (income) and study and raised my children on govvt support..having gone from a respected Restauratuer ,running restaurants in Auckland…to the bottom of the food chain..I believe my body gave in to the brutal physical and mental pain I had endured.My husband left us penniless after our separation ( we never divorced) and never paid child support. I help care and nursed him in his final days on this earth keeping my marriage vows and managing to keep my boys with him as much as possible. Meghan I have never recovered. Because I am “sick’ and not caused by an “injury” I don’t get any support to get rehabiltated in any way. I lost trust of people but one thing that held me up always were my parents and my God. I am blessed in that respect. I have no security for No funds for my retirement but have managed to raise two beautiful and talented young men that are thriving in their careers.No private schools or University could I afford. They have both worked so hard to forge amazing careers for themselves. My eldest found out at 19 he had Fathered a daughter that was then 8 months old (The Mother was 26) from a one night hook up. Our world was again rocked but there was this gorgeous wee girl. My son did amazing caring for her everyweekend as best he could but then got job offer that was amazing. and with babies Mum’s blessing he took it and moved out of town. Long longer story short…the Mother became an addict..or already was I quickly got custody before the courts took into a Foster Home. Her Mother went on to have a toal of 4 children…none of whom she raised. Our girl is now 11 and wonderful. She is my full time job. To keep her safe,secure, nurtered and stable. Her Daddy is here every weekend he can be.She is a brillaint dancer and singer..(I hear her in the kitchen now) and competes in dance compeitions. She has chosen to stay with me now. She doesn’t want to live where her Dad lives. He supports her financially and physically as best he can and is always there for me. He is now 30 and all I wanted for him was to have a “better start at life” than I had. To forge a career and make something of himself…of his own choosing , Maybe sometime in the future she may change her mind…but with me she has a beautiful network of school friends and thier families. An amazing church network and our incredible dance family. She is my purpose, my healing and my reason to rise each day. My parents contineu to support me at 80 and 84. 60 years of a loving marriage…they have been my rocks. I too have neevr written these words or told my story..Tried to make like this all never happened. Can’t be fixed by a plaster or a pill. My worth and soul shaken and broken. I love your posts and seeing the road your are travelling and how wonderfully well you are raising your children Meghan. Always care for yourself first and foremost. Without self care the pillars of the home fall. Every day I iell our girl ” You are wise. you are precious, you are loved”. It is our mantra and my gift to her. May I offer you this same gift today Meghan. Bless you and your beautiful family x

    1. Sorry should have edited this and worn my glasses, but had tears in my eyes while wirting, Please excuse the spelling and grammer mistakes. I didn’t mean to take over your blog just gave me a chance to release some grief and hurt.

  30. I am so sorry, I truly know how you feel! Two weeks ago my husband and I were robbed in a Marriott hotel room, while we were sleeping! They stole our phones, money, jewelry, watches, and my beautiful custom wedding ring. I can never replace the sentimental value of my wedding ring, my sense of security, or feel safe traveling again. I have so many emotions over this event, I have cried every day. I hope some day soon I can put this behind me and move on.

    Thank you for sharing your story, it has helped validate my emotions.

  31. You’ve endured a lot. You’re an inspiration. You should feel proud and brave and incontrol. You’re earning that every day.

  32. The fact that you think people cared about you and your “fame” then and still do now is hysterical. What a narcissistic, pretentious bitch.

    I laugh every single time I see a picture of Jim and his fiancée living in the house that you so badly wanted built. The fact that Lauren, Hayley, Landon and Sutton no longer have to put up with your bullshit is the best gift they will ever receive.

  33. OmG! Terrifying. I’ve followed you from the start of RHOC. The one think I would suggest is, why don’t you tell us about your adventures after you come home? It scares me that you announce you are leaving your home to travel on social media. I would be fine hearing about it after you were home safe.
    I know you don’t want to be pressured to change your life but be smart. #rockonwarriorwoman

  34. Thanks for sharing Meg that is a scary ass thing to go through but to be pregnant on top of that plus sounds like very little to maybe zero help from your husband who’s supposed to be your “partner” and safety net & im sorry you had to endure that and so much more! You have such a fighting spirit I admire it & im old enough to be your motherly least but I don’t have near your gumption or independence but I pray fervently that if I keep watching you maybe I’ll find mine 🙏🙏🙏💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼 Please keep sharing it helps others such as me become stronger. Your lil girly girl is an absolute doll thank God you found each other. Idk what I’d do without my kids or furry kids honestly. Oh and btw most of my family is from Idaho and still lives there I love it and it is gorgeous. Thanks again Meg stay blessed!

  35. I was also burglarized. I was home with my 2 young nieces (4 & 7 at the time) spending bthe night with me. Luckily sleeping in a bed with 2 little ones flopping all over the bed kept me awake most of the night. I dozed off, but I woke up about 4AM (my bedroom was upstairs in the back of my townhouse) to a thumping sound. I thought it was probably my cat, but got out of bed & flipped in the hallway light. And there was my cat at the top of the stairs. Then, I heard the door to my closet under the stairs blcreek shut….and I freaked out. I stupidly ran down the stairs? Why? Not sure. I think I was going to chase the burglar out of my house? Anyways, they had achieved entry by using a garage door opener…..driving around, seeing if any garage would work. At the time, I didn’t have a switch to turn off the sensor that opens the garage from the outside …and the garage was at the front of my house. You can’t hear it open from my bedroom. They didn’t get much, some purses (not the one with my ID), but did get my car key. They would’ve got that, had I not woke up. I was lucky…..but still suffer from the PTSD today, 17 years later. At the timebit happened, I was afraid to be home (I was, and still am single), but at the same time afraid to leave my home. I got into the bad habit of falling asleep on the couch so as to always have a light on….and I still do it today, and wander to bed between 1-3AM. I never truly understood the emotional feeling of being ‘violated’, but I do now. It’s hard to explain, but when you know…you know. I get it, I feel your pain, I understand. That k you for sharing, but know you aren’t alone…..

  36. wow. so sorry you had to go through all of that, especially during your pregnancy with your first child. From the outside looking in, not knowing anything about you, other than what you chose to share publicly, I see undertones of God’s work turning something so horrible into an opportunity to give you great strength and healing today. Thank you for using your platform for good, for sharing such a profound message of vulnerability and healing. And btw, 7 months pregnant in the pics, you looked AMAZING!!

  37. This story about your robbery and what was taken sounds exactly what Kyle Richards experienced when she and her family were on vacation. She talked about it very soon after it happened. I wonder why she wasn’t given the same advice by the police. Well, maybe she was told but chose to talk about it anyway. I’m just glad that you were gone and that you were not hurt by them. I’m sorry you had to go thru that. You have been through a lot. It’s nice to see in your pictures that you haven’t lost your pretty smile!!!

  38. But yet here you are going public . Everyone knows there are two sides to a story as in yours and Jim’s. Everyone sees the narcissist, incessant posts you can’t help to post playing the victim and using those babies for attention. There are millions of single moms with 3 kids. Yet you somehow believe you are the only one . It’s such a turn off .

  39. Thank you for sharing!!! I had the same think happen! I felt so horrible. I still think about it and it HURTS!!! Someday God will take care of them!!! Stay strong! Miss you on the OC.

  40. Megan I am so sorry Brest had to be so scary. I’m from St Louis and a huge Cards fan so I was so exhausted when I head you and Jim were going to be on the housewives. There were so many times I wish I could have gone through the screen and shake you. I get it. Love us blind. You were hopeful he the man you hoped he would be. That show made really dislike Jim Edmonds which is almost incredible in the Lou. He’s a douche bag and an embarrassment for the Cardinals.
    Hope you are on the road to recovery. You look happy and you are a good mom.

  41. Thank You for sharing. Timing of me of reading this was not coincidence Very scary and am glad you got through it….ALL of it!

  42. Meghan, you are a bad mamma jamma. I hope you continue to live your life this way and teach Aspen and the boys to take no shit from anyone. War eagle

  43. Love you. How powerful you are and how you share and give others confidence to do the same. Always on your side as you would be for all women who believe and deserve respect and strength.

  44. Your strength is profound and you are an amazing woman and Mom. God bless you and watch over all of you for safety, peace and health. Thank you for sharing.

  45. I feel your lose. I hope you find a emotionally compatible man who can fill your cup up. Yes, police often say don’t publish the theft. Many good reasons not to. Stay well

  46. Aah Meghan I really feel for you as you have been through so much but out of this all you have become such a fantastic Mom …….it seems you still struggling a bit but trust me you do get through everything eventually it just takes time ……I hope you find a good kind man one day but if you don’t you will still be ok no man defines a woman …..sending you lots of love Nanette xx

  47. So so sorry you went thru this! So proud of you for coming back stronger! I am sending prayers for you always!

  48. What a story! You are an inspiration to women! I admire your strength- you have been through so much and you are such a great mom. All the best to you!

  49. I applaud your honesty after the fact. Being scared and violated is no joke and lasts a long time. I’ve never had a home burglarized but I do have a now adult daughter, age 41, who was stalked by someone from a fraternity party in her out of state college who not only showed up at all her classes (he wasn’t a student) but broke into her locked, supposedly key card protected dorm room and stole very personal items. We had raised her to be very strong and independent and she didn’t want to call us but wanted to handle it herself. She spent two weeks terrified and not leaving her dorm room. Luckily, she had a wonderful roommate who brought her meals. The campus police at this prestigious university were useless. Thank God things are changing and local police are now usually contacted immediately. He turned out to be a wanted rapist in that city.😕 On a lighter note, we built an 8000 sq ft home 21 years ago and always joke that whoever breaks into our home will just vandalize it because we are minimalist and have nothing to steal.🤣

  50. It’s brave of you to share your experience. Please know that you are not alone. The effects it has on our personal sense of safety and feelings of being violated lingers(for me even to this day.) I think as a woman we are taught that we have to be on high alert for for our safety at all times. The fact is WE DO HAVE TO! I wonder sometimes if men really realize what it’s like for women every day to question if they are safe…buying groceries, having lunch with friends, getting into our cars, taking a walk/run, returning home alone, etc. I was always cautious but after the break-in to my home(which I narrowly missed 4 adult males by 5 minutes while I was 5 months pregnant) left me more afraid in my home and even homes since then, that I still do not ever feel 100% secure. I always double/triple check the locks, even if my husband checks them. I have yet to leave my personal safety & efforts to keep it that way, into the hands of others. I hope that you find peace someday and that I can too. Until then, I stay prepared for the worst and hope for the best.

  51. YOU are a warrior…’ve survived and you should be so proud of yourself. I understand completely the fear surrounding a breakin……I’ve had the same happen to me. Total violation! But you’ve moved on, new life, new husband and newfound happiness. So pleased for you. Sending you many more blessings….just keep being YOU!❤️

  52. You are awful! You took a baby bird nest out for an animal to take to eat because she didn’t want to deal withthem! And let your dog terrorize a baby squirrel while the mom panicked? I hope your kids learn compassion because you have NONE!

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